Biodynamic Massage Training

Who Are The Courses For?

The Biodynamic Massage training programme is for those in the caring professions (teachers, nurses, social workers, physiotherapists, O.T.s, counsellors). We also accept applications from those working in other fields wanting to pursue an interest in massage and with a career change in mind. Courses are taught in Cambridge on a series of weekends. Those successfully completing the training work privately, within complementary health centres, the NHS and the voluntary sector.

Next Open Evenings to Find out More

The next Open Events will be in the autumn on a Friday 4.30-6.30 p.m. Cost £10.00. 12 places available.
For booking please contact

What is Biodynamic Massage?

Biodynamic massage is a form of psychotherapeutic massage concerned with the integration of all aspects of an individual – physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual within the context of an individual’s life and relationships at home, at work and at leisure. It is a holistic form of massage. It is derived from methods used in Norwegian physiotherapy and was developed and brought to the U.K. by Gerda Boyesen, psychologist, physiotherapist and analyst.

Biodynamic massage sees individuals as energetic beings and health is apparent when there is a free flow of energy in the person. Given conducive circumstances individuals have the capacity to self regulate and look after their own well being. Illness is seen as being out of harmony with oneself and surroundings. Past and present may have a contribution to any symptom. Rather than trying to cure an illness, the aim of a biodynamic massage therapist would be to understand with the client the psychological meaning and message of an illness, and in this process symptom relief may come about through creating a new balance within oneself and life generally. Being in the company of someone may give the individual a “pain in the neck” and there would be exploration of how that comes about and perhaps an understanding of how to be different in that relationship.

Biodynamic massage has a large repertoire of techniques to suit individual needs. Each client receives an individually tailored massage session, but no two sessions will be exactly the same for an individual. The basic premise is to communicate and contact the client through touch the client. It is a way of relating, which transcends the actual method being used. Through this relationship, the client is able to relate to his or her own inner (bio)dynamic for self healing. Some of the therapeutic hopes in biodynamic massage are the rebalancing of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system; relaxation; vitalisation; pain relief; relief of internal emotional pressure; release of muscular tension; toning of undertoned muscle; increased body awareness; release of toxins; discovery of a more “natural” breathing pattern. Biodynamic massage is suitable for those with psycho-physiological or stress related symptoms such as headaches, aches and pains, anxiety, insomnia, depression, arthritis, M.E., etc.; for those who feel “under the weather” or that something is not quite right, but where there is an absence of diagnosable disease; and for those wanting to embark on a process of self discovery through a body approach.

Biodynamic massage can be practised as a complementary therapy, or by a fully trained body psychotherapist, it can be a method to access personal awareness.

How Has CBPC Developed Biodynamic Massage?

CBPC has developed its own particular style of teaching and practising Biodynamic massage. Our students come from all over the U.K. and we have developed a sense of community among the student body, which is supportive both as a student and practitioner of Biodynamic massage. Our trainers have worked within the NHS and are able to help students to adapt Biodynamic massage for institutional settings. We also have a high success rate in terms of helping qualified practitioners to set up their Biodynamic massage practice. Our style of biodynamic massage has emphasised the exploratory and transformative energy aspects of the work. From the outside this can look like not much is happening, but the principle of “less is more” is a strong guiding principle and much can be happening “underground” in stillness.

Articles about Biodynamic Massage can be found on this website and in the Journal of Biodynamic Massage.

Foundation Biodynamic Massage Training Course


The Certificate in Biodynamic Massage is awarded to those successfully completing two modules: Foundation Biodynamic Massage and Emotional Anatomy and Physiology. It is possible to complete these courses in one academic year. It is also possible to spread the modules out over two academic years.

Biodynamic Massage Course

A series of 10 weekends (130 hours) for those who have completed the Introduction to Biodynamic Massage or equivalent to learn more of the methods of Biodynamic massage.


  1. Practical Methods: Basic touch – skin, connective tissue, muscular work; intentionality – vitalising, matter of fact, relaxing, sedating; head and neck massage; lifting.
    Theory: Origins and development of biodynamic massage; aims and objectives of biodynamic massage; indications and contra-indications; the startle reflex; self-regulation; observations in massage; skeletal landmarks.
    Professionalism: Setting up massage table; hygiene; precautions regarding infection; preservation of dignity.
  2. Practical methods: Packing; polarization; resistance work for body awareness and self expression; energy distribution.
    Theory: Indications and contra-indications; the vasomotoric cycle; physiology of stress; underbounded and overbounded clients; massage indications; grounding (legs, skin, eyes); the client-therapist relationship – making non-verbal, energetic contact; model of psycho-physiological illness; massage in depression, anxiety, cardiac rehabilitation, rheumatoid arthritis.
    Professionalism: Basic recording of massage session.
  3. Practical methods: Connective tissue work – emptying; self care exercises; orgonomie, revision of methods.
    Theory: Indications and contra-indications; selection of practical methods; relating practical methods to vasomotoric cycle; theory of psycho-peristalsis; meaning of peristaltic sounds; transudation and distention pressure; massage in asthma, M.E., panic attacks, hyperventilation; and M.S.
    Professionalism: Looking after own health in massage work; self, peer and trainer evaluation of massage practice.
  4. Practical: Deep draining for back and legs.
    Theory: Meaning of deep draining sequence; basic body reading; introduction to the breathing wave and the meaning of different patterns of breathing; indications and contra-indications of deep draining; schizoid structure; bones and muscles in back and legs.
    Professionalism: Note-keeping and session recording; follow-up massage observations and their indications.
  5. Practical: Deep draining for arms and chest.
    Theory: Oral structure; bones and muscles of arms and chest.
    Professionalism: Setting up a practice privately; integration of massage into current workplace; selection of clients; working with other practitioners; referring on; confidentiality.
  6. Practical: Deep draining for neck and head.
    Theory: Masochistic structure; bones and muscles of neck and head; age-related contra-indications. Professionalism: Code of ethics and practice; insurance; supervision; post-certificate training; research.
  7. Practical: Abdominal massage, auric massage.
    Theory: Theory: Hysterical structure; the meaning of autonomic nervous system reactions – indications and contra-indications.
    Professionalism: Initial interview, assessment, note-keeping, reviewing.
  8. Practical: Affective Touch and how it realtes to biodynamic massage
    Theory: “Psychopathic” structure, differentiation of biodynamic massage from other methods; parameters of treatment evaluation.
    Professionalism: Parameters of self evaluation as practitioner.
  9. Practical: hypotonus massage- meeting the muscle – deprived, oppressed, traumatised clients; body reading; stretches and deep draining.
    Theory: Borderline Personality Disorder and its links with trauma and disorganised attachment
  10. Practical: Live supervision.
    Theory: Selection of appropriate methods, touch contact and verbal level of interaction; levels of therapeutic intervention.
    Professionalism: Self, peer and trainer evaluation.

For the Foundation Course students are asked to do 2-4 hours additional study and practice between training events (approximately 32 hours overall). The course is process and student centred and so the syllabus sequence may be altered accordingly.

Emotional Anatomy and Physiology Course

This is a course of 8 weekend days spread over the academic year. It may be taken as a separate module. The course combines the principles of a clinical approach with an understanding of the emotional function of the body. In addition to the bio-physiological function, the physical body is viewed as the the manifestation of an individual’s life story. Reich’s principle of “psychosomatic unity” is taken to apply to all levels of the physical body from the whole person down to the cellular level. This concept is examined and discussed throughout the course and studied concurrently with clinical anatomy and physiology. The major pathologies of the body are examined in a similar light.


Each system of the body is is examined considering anatomy, physiology, emotional function, pathology, conventional and complimentary treatments. Recent developments in neuroscience will also be looked at.

  1. Bodily systems considered from embryological development using Boadella’s theories. Fetal development. Terminology, parameters of Holistic Anatomy and Physiology – anatomical and emotional. Cells and systems. Regulation of cellular activity. Cellular membranes and skin as primary boundary.
  2. Fluids, the cardiovascular system including heart electronics, the heart-cell connection, the respiratory system, breathing as bridge between conscious and unconscious processes.
  3. The skeletal system, function of bones, emotional function, structure and energy.
  4. The nervous system, central and peripheral nervous systems, somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system, energy and attention, homeostasis and self regulation, including emotional regulation; Changes in shock, trauma
  5. The muscular system, fascia, movement and sensation, repatterning of unconscious neuromuscular patterns.
  6. The digestive and urinary systems. Digestion of food and emotional experience. Psycho-peristalsis. Emotional function of organs.
  7. Reproductive system and skin, sexuality and spirituality, skin as boundary and communication and transformation between inner and outer worlds.
  8. The endocrine system, lymphatic system, neuropeptides and the mind-body-emotional link, immunology, glands and chakras.

Course Tutors

For 2024-2025 Sue Frazer will teach Foundation Biodynamic Massage and Jo Coole Emotional Anatomy and Physiology.

Course Recognition

The Association of Biodynamic Massage Therapists (ABMT) is the professional association for Biodynamic Massage in the UK. It accepts as members those qualifying in Biodynamic massage with CBPC. ABMT is a member of GCMT (General Council for Soft Tissue Therapies). GCMT is a member of CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council)which holds a register approved by PSA (Professional Standards Authority for Health and Scoial Care). SeeABMT The ABMT represents practitioners nationally and within organisations regulating massage. The training has been informally recognized by health authorities sponsoring their employees for professional development.

Dates and Costs

Foundation Biodynamic Massage

2024: September 7/8; October 13/14; November 9/10; December 7/8;

2025: January 11/12; February 8/9; March 8/9; April 12/13; May 10/11; June 7/8

TIME: 10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.

COST: £2403.00 payable as a deposit of £267.00 and 8 monthly payments of £267.00.

Emotional Anatomy and Physiology

2024: September 28: October 26; November 23/24; December – reading month;

2025: January 25; February 22; March 29; April 26;

TIME: 10.00 a.m. – 5.30 p.m.

COST: £990.00 payable as a deposit of £110.00 and 8 monthly payments of £110.00.

Booking and Further Information

Applications are accepted from November onwards for training in the following autumn. Applicants are invited for an interview and places are filled according to the candidate’s suitability as they are received. Please request an application form or download it here.

28 Ditton Walk

(01223) 214658